The Parable of the Sower

Bible Talk

Topic:  Secrets of the Kingdom

Topic Name: The Parable of the Sower

By: Brice Williams



Preface:  Jesus Preached extensively about the kingdom & the heart.  For someone to be truly Christ-like they must understand the depth of the kingdom.  This includes, what it is, who is in it, how to get in and why Jesus taught about it so much.  The Bible doesn’t suggest Christian’s be teachers of the Word, but commands it.  Ask yourself, can I teach about the kingdom?   Today’s mini-lesson will give you an introductory taste as to one of the many kingdom-topic teachings.


Opening Question:  What is your name & what would be the worst thing to find out the hard way you actually knew nothing about in life?  Ie: Changing a tire, fighting, wilderness survival, public speaking, etc.


Verse#1:  Matthew 13:1-9    [ Read but emphasize NOT reading ahead ]

Q1-4:  If the seed represents the Word of God, and it was planted in your heart shown as soil, what would happen?

[Seed = Word of God] —>  The Path?    Rocky Place?    Thorny Place?    The Good soil?


Verse#2:  Matthew 13:10-15

Q1: So why does Jesus teach in parables?

Comment: Ever notice in life, you rarely remember what people did years down the road, but you remember how they made you feel?  This is just like those few good teachers we all had.

Q2: Is it possible to have a degree in the Bible, theology or philosophy and still be UNSAVED?  Why or Why not using this scripture we just read.


Verse #3:  Matthew 13:18-23   [ Now let’s see what each soil means to see if we were close]

Read each soil verse one at a time:

V18-19: Path                      “What does this look like in modern day?”

V20-21: Rocky                    ^ Repeat

V22- Thorns                        ^ Repeat

V23- Good                          ^ Repeat


Closing Thoughts and Scripture:

Turn everyone to Matthew 7:19-21 and read.   Then say:  Jesus made multiple references to the kingdom; while we won’t be discussing in detail this one, it is clear what the destiny is for the tree (or person) who does not bear good fruit. Is your heart the proper soil to grow and bear fruit for the Lord? Do you already have fruit? If so, who are they?  No matter your answers, you can always improve your soil to become more fruitful so Christ will tell you on judgment day, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”


And That’s Bible talk……