Where is God When Life Hurts?

By: William Auki & modified by Brice Williams Prologue: There are 3 books of the Bible known as the “wisdom literature.”  These are Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job. Opening Question: What is your name, and what could be given to you, to BOOST your belief in God? Job 1:1-5 What impresses you about Job in these… Continue reading Where is God When Life Hurts?

Sacrilege or Sacrifice?

Bible Talk Topic:  Doctrine Topic Name: Sacrilege or Sacrifice? By: Brice Williams _______________________________________________________________________   Opening Question:   What is the most expensive thing you have in your life (sentimental or monetarily)? ——————   [Besides God]   Preface:   Discuss Matthew 6:25-34, then ask :  “What’s the therefore, there for?”   Verse#1:  Matthew 6:19-21  “Do not store up for yourselves… Continue reading Sacrilege or Sacrifice?

The Parable of the Sower

Bible Talk Topic:  Secrets of the Kingdom Topic Name: The Parable of the Sower By: Brice Williams ____________________________________________________________   Preface:  Jesus Preached extensively about the kingdom & the heart.  For someone to be truly Christ-like they must understand the depth of the kingdom.  This includes, what it is, who is in it, how to get… Continue reading The Parable of the Sower

Carelessness or carefulness

Bible Talk By: Brice Williams Topic: Love Lesson Title: Carelessness or Carefulness ________________________________________________________________________ Opening Question: What is something you rushed into with little thought or advice and it backfired? Verse #1.)  Haggai 1:5-7 Now this is what the Lord Almighty says: “Give careful thought to your ways. You have planted much, but have harvested little. You… Continue reading Carelessness or carefulness

Overcoming the crowd

Where: Somewhere in the Alpilles, in the South of France.

When: Beginning of March 2009.

What: A sheep herd walking down toward the valley early in the morning.

Watch it on my website

Bible Talk By: Brice Williams Topic: Title: Overcoming The Crowd ____________________________________ Opening question:           What is a lesson you learned as a child that you had to learn “the hard way?”            My example: sticking things in the electrical outlet Verse #1             … Continue reading Overcoming the crowd

Are You Judging Me!? “Do not judge, or you too will be judged”

One Hyde Park

Opening question – What is one aspect/feature of your “dream home?” What would “rent” cost monthly for your “dream home?” For me, it would cost around $2,000 a month. That’s how much a year?  $24,000.  How much for 10 years?  240k.  Could you work enough to earn that? If one of your kids you wanted… Continue reading Are You Judging Me!? “Do not judge, or you too will be judged”

A King’s Conviction

Bible Talk By: Brice Williams ,Casey Clegg & Rico [s] Jones Topic: The Word Of God Topic Name: A King’s Conviction _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Opening Question:        What would the title be if someone wrote a book about you?   Preface:          Around 600BC there was a 26 year old ruler of Judah,… Continue reading A King’s Conviction

Fast Food Christianity?

God The Father is Deep - and he's got the real dish....

Opening Question:  What is you favorite fast food restaurant and Why? Main Idea – sometimes we can treat Christianity like a fast food restaurant. (1) In And Out (Be turning to Acts 2:40-47) – What makes it hard to get IN early to church? (It’s hard to get OUT of bed on Sunday morning!  Why is… Continue reading Fast Food Christianity?