Carelessness or carefulness

Bible Talk By: Brice Williams Topic: Love Lesson Title: Carelessness or Carefulness ________________________________________________________________________ Opening Question: What is something you rushed into with little thought or advice and it backfired? Verse #1.)  Haggai 1:5-7 Now this is what the Lord Almighty says: “Give careful thought to your ways. You have planted much, but have harvested little. You… Continue reading Carelessness or carefulness

Overcoming the crowd

Where: Somewhere in the Alpilles, in the South of France.

When: Beginning of March 2009.

What: A sheep herd walking down toward the valley early in the morning.

Watch it on my website

Bible Talk By: Brice Williams Topic: Title: Overcoming The Crowd ____________________________________ Opening question:           What is a lesson you learned as a child that you had to learn “the hard way?”            My example: sticking things in the electrical outlet Verse #1             … Continue reading Overcoming the crowd

A King’s Conviction

Bible Talk By: Brice Williams ,Casey Clegg & Rico [s] Jones Topic: The Word Of God Topic Name: A King’s Conviction _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Opening Question:        What would the title be if someone wrote a book about you?   Preface:          Around 600BC there was a 26 year old ruler of Judah,… Continue reading A King’s Conviction

Christian Reputation

Bible Talk Topic: Character Topic Name: The Christian Reputation Opening Question/Activity: The Bible details the behaviors of how a Christian ought to behave in various situations. These behaviors create the reputation placed on them. Rather than an opening question, I want to play a word association game. Going around (this way), please say your name… Continue reading Christian Reputation

Listen and Do

Topic: Obedience Topic Title: Listen and Do [Brice Williams, et;al ] Activity:    Play name that tune with a cd player. Play popular songs or television jingles. { note: one question removed to avoid extending lesson} Opening Question: What is your name+ what is the key to doing well in this game? Alternate Question: What… Continue reading Listen and Do

Categorized as Love

Do you trust God or reason?

Bible Talk : Brice Williams  Topic: Trust  Topic Name: Do you trust God or reason?   Opening Question: Q: What is something that you feel very trustworthy in giving or providing?           [Verse] 1:  Matthew 14: 28-31  “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”… Continue reading Do you trust God or reason?


Topic: Pride Topic Name: The PERILS of PRIDE [Brice Williams]   Opening Question: If I were on “who wants to be a millionaire?” and I used my phone a friend Life-Line to call you, what subject matter would I be calling you on? (And why?) Alternate Question: What topic are you most knowledgeable on (specifically).  … Continue reading Pride